Crea performs, with the sponsorship of CaixaBank,  a campaign of free semen analysis to value the risk of Testicular Cancer  

• Low sperm count is related with an higher incidence of testiculare cancer, prostate pathology, infertility or sperm genetic alterations. 

Semen analysis not only orientates about a man’s fertility but also gives information about the possibility of presenting any reproductive pathology, that is, if the reproductive system is working correctly.  Low sperm count is related with an higher incidence of testiculare cancer, genetic alterationas, prostate pathology or infertility.  

In this sense, CREA (Assisted Reproduction Medical Centre) has been the first centre in the world to suggest all youngsters between 15 and 35 to have a semen analysis done with the aim of evaluate the risk of diseases associated with the genital apparatus. Figures obtained in a recent study CREA participated in, published on a international scale, reveals that the incidence of low sperm count (one of the parameters we analyze in the semen) affects one out of four youngsters of the Valencian Community.    

This is the reason why CREA, through the social work of its Foundation PROCREA and with the sponsorship of CaixaBank, started on 1st April a campaign of free semen analysis, for youngsters between 15 and 35, that will last until 31st of July. “Our medical commitment goes far beyond the solution of fertility problems, we shall also try to prevent diseases and to exert a social work by disclosing those factors that might affect not only our reproductive health but also our general health”, claims Doctor Miguel Ruiz Jorro, CREA’s co-director and Head of the Andrology Unit of this medical centre. 

The idea of performing a semen analysis to all youngsters, according to Doctor Ruiz Jorro, is due to the fact that “on occasions, we have detected a testicular cancer in candidates to be donors for our Sperm Bank or in patients that consulted our clinic for Infertility who presented low sperm count”.    

However, the Head of CREA’s Andrology Unit clarifies that “semen analysis is not the most sensible nor the most specific technique to detect Testicular Cancer, being fundamental the periodic self-examination to see if any lump in the testes is detected and the consultation with a specialist to perform more concrete analyses should there be any lump or pain in this area, but in many occasions, before pain or growth of any lump, the first sign is a very significant decrease of sperm production. This can only be detected by semen analysis, a very simple test, that orientates about the risk of suffering any pathology of the reproductive system and that helps to perform an early detection of diseases such as infertility or testicular cancer, the most frequent among young men but with a very good prognosis for cure when it’s detected circumstantially”.  

Through the basic semen analysis performed to youngsters, it’s possible to evaluate volume, sperm count (that gives an idea of the quantity) and sperm motility parameters (that orientate about its quality). Carried out by professionals with long-term experience in the field of Human Assisted Reproduction, it follows the analysis’ protocols of W.H.O.   

Youngsters participating in this campaign will obtain a fast, professional and truthful information about some of the most important parameters in a semen analysis. On the basis of these parameters, professionals will indicate them individually if these results are within the normal reference values of the World Health Organization and if there is a higher risk of suffering any pathology of the reproductive system such as testicular cancer, genetic alterations or infertility. 

Conditions of Participation 

-To be between 15 and 35 years old.  

-Abstinence prior to collecting sample (3 – 6 days without ejaculation)  

-Specimen container (Sterile container from the Chemist)  

-Method of obtaining the sample (The semen sample should be collected directly into the specimen container, by masturbation)  

-Sample transport (Brought to CREA  within an hour of it being passed). Please avoid very high or very low temperatures.  

-Days for sample delivery: Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.